Jetpower 2015-05 06 (03), Jetpower (Ang)

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//-->€8.00 •$9.99• CHF 12.50 • £5.90 (UK) • NOK 85.00JETPOWERJETWWW.JETPOWER-MAGAZIN.COMPOWERTHE MAGAZINEFOR MODEL JET FLYING32015LET THERE BE LIGHTSAAB TUNNANEverythinghappens twiceLADY IN REDPOWER EXPANDERAURORAYak-130, Part 2Maiden flight18 FOR THE PRICE OF 3JET-FEELING FOR ALLFJ-2 FURYAvro VulcanJet bomber onvaledictory tour020344195926 208008195926 208008ELECTRONLEGS FOR THE ULTRA HAWKJETPOWER 6/2013JETPOWER 6/20133JPCONTENTS AND HIGHLIGHTSwww.jetpower-magazin.com15TH YEAR OF PUBLICATIONIISSUE 3/2015IMAY/JUNEMagazine translated by Keith Thomas (GB)RunwayScene talkand news6Jet-Rookie – the seriesfor beginnersPart 14: The modeller’shide-awayYak-13022JetLegend’s Red Lady,Part 2:scale update and flying46Jetfan 120 ECOPowerful ducted fanunit for electric jets12Rookie Meeting 2015Jet fever breaksout again24Let there be lightThe Aurora LCU EVO2lighting module fromOptotronix50Modellbau WelsThe Fair’s successstory continues14FJ-2 FuryJet thrills for everyone28Eighteenfor the price of three32PowerExpander SRSfrom PowerBox Systems52Florida Jets 2015Jet pilots in Florida -the sunshine state16AircraftdocumentationAn elegant Italian jet:Aermacchi MB-326Bye bye, VulcanA legendary aircrafttakes its final bow20Saab J 29F TunnanThe old-timer from Mibo JetsNew legs forthe Ultra Flash40Electric retract systemfrom Electron5454Electric retractable undercarriage systems are be-coming increasingly popular. Philip Baum took thebait, and installed such a system - made by Electron- in his CARF Ultra Flash. Here he reports back onhis findings.40Things always seem to happen to people twice - and the same could be said of the model flying life. It wascertainly true of Burkhard Dotzauer and the Saab J 29 Tunnan. Almost thirty years ago he built a ducted-fanmodel of the jet - affectionately known as the “Tunnan” (barrel) - in all-balsa form, but when he ran into thesame type again more recently, it was in a rather more convenient form: an all-GRP kit from Mibo Jets.ISSN 1610-014XEditorial Director:Winfried Ohlgart, D-53359 RheinbachStauffenbergstrasse 42, tel. +49 22 26 1 23 43,Fax +49 22 26 7097, E-Mail: w.ohlgart@t-online.deEditorial office, Baden-Baden:Coordination:Dirk Klotter, tel. +49 72 21 95 21-12Layo ut / D esign:Carina Neves Pereira, Isabelle RostContributors to this issue: Erich Bäcker,Philip Baum, Burkhard Dotzauer,Hans-Christian Effelsberg, Jürgen Schelling,Wolfgang SemlerAdvertising:Steffen Weyrauch at Modellsport Verlag GmbHtel. +49 72 21 95 21-17, E-Mail: advert@modellsport.deDistribution:Thomas Waeldele, tel. +49 72 21 95 21-20E-Mail: thomas.waeldele@modellsport.dePublication:bi-monthlyPurchase price:Annual subscription (6 issues): EUR 48.–, Airmail: Europe+ EUR 4.00 per year, worldwide + EUR 8.00 per year, Two-year-subsription (12 issues): EUR 90.00Purchase conditions:Available by order direct from the publisher, from all specia-list model shops and from newsagents and railway bookstands. Subscriptions are automatically extended by 1 yearunless cancelled in writing 6 weeks before expiry.Deliver y abroad:Export department of Modellsport Verlag GmbH,Baden-BadenAll rights reserved, including rights of translation, reprin-ting, photo-mechanical reproduction and all other forms ofdata storage and reproduction. We accept no liability forunsolicited manuscripts. The unrestricted rights of dispo-sal of all text, published photos, sketches and drawings forwhich we pay a fee pass to the Publisher and/or the Editor.Contributions attributed to an individual do not necessarilyreflect the opinions of the Editor.Publisher:Modellsport Verlag GmbH, D-76532 Baden-Baden,Schulstrasse 12, Germany, tel. +49 72 21 9 52 10,Fax 95 21 45, E-mail: modellsport@modellsport.deInternet: www.modellsport.dePrinting:Strube Druck & Medien OHG, Stimmerswiesen 334587 FelsbergPublisher’s accounts:• Stadtsparkasse Baden-BadenNo. 0-039 487 (sort code 662 500 30)• Postbank KarlsruheNo. 1747 26-754 (sort code 660 100 75)•Switzerland: Postfinance No. 40-607990-1•Austria: Bankhaus Spaengler & Co SalzburgSort code 19530 A/C No. 1001356154JETPOWER 3/2015READY FOR TAKE-OFF!Hello, readers!Welcome to a new issue of your JetPowermagazine. “Now is the month of maying” as theold madrigal tells us, to announce the advent ofSpring. However, our season actually got un-der way slightly earlier with the Rookie Meetingin April. The event’s purpose is to infect thirtyrookies with the highly contagious jet bug. Six-teen of these successful meetings have nowbeen held, helping to bring a constant flow ofnew enthusiasts of all ages into the jet scene.The “Florida Jets” meeting has a long histo-ry, and is now as famous as ever, so it’s hardlya surprise that many pilots from Europe makethe trip every year to take part in this event.Erich Bäcker was one of them, and you can re-ad his findings in these pages.Burkhard Dotzauer has provided a docu-mentation about the Aermacchi MB-326,which has been shown to make an excellent fly-ing model. We also have a second article abouta full-size aircraft, this time documenting theimminent departure of the Avro Vulcan fromthe international Airshow scene. This certainlymarks the end of an era, and in future the onlyway we will be able to experience this mightymachine in the air will be in model form.Another old-timer which we can only admirein the air as a model is the Swedish Saab Tun-nan. Burkhard Dotzauer, who years ago builtand flew an own-design “barrel” with a glow-powered ducted-fan for propulsion, reviews anall-GRP kit of the type. After a protracted deve-lopment history the model can now be purcha-sed from Mibo Jets.The breed of model which we all know as“foamies” is the subject of many a heated dis-cussion amongst modellers, and their propo-nents and opponents battle it out with many aharsh word. However, one indisputable fact isthat manufacturers are producing an increa-sing number of high-quality semi-scale modelsmade of this material, some of them so goodthat even dedicated turbine flyers take a greatinterest in them. For many modellers these ma-chines simply represent a means of tasting theworld of jets at relatively low cost - or even ofmaking jets possible at all. For this reason Jet-Power will continue to review the best of thesemodels in its pages, although we will insist onquality rather than quantity.Now all that remains is to wish you great funwith your new issue of JetPower, which actual-ly contains much more reading matter than Ihave mentioned here. “Happy Landings”, and“Bye for now” - until the next issue!46In the previous issue Hans-Christian Effelsberg related his findings whilst building the JetLegend Yak-130. Atthat time the typical murky German weather had a stranglehold, so there was no question of flying the new jet.Since then the weather has struggled out of its Winter depression, and has been much more conducive to fly-ing, so the Yak has had a chance to show what it can do in its real element. In these pages Hans-Christian tellsus all about his initial experiences flying the Yak.Our ServicesImprintJet-Shop -new products for jetsOrder cards4Cover pictureThe Avro Vulcan is a legend - and the example shownhere is the last airworthy example of its kind. At the endof the 2015 season the machine will be de-commissio-ned, so if we are ever to see this jet in the sky again, it isup to us model flyers to cast the magic spell. It’s un-doubtedly a major challenge for a designer and builder.So: who’s feeling courageous?586428With the FJ-2 Fury, distributed by Horizon Hobby, E-flite has introduced a model which embodies the pioneerspirit of the early days of jets. Back then the electronics were crude, but the model is fitted with the very latestequipment, giving the pilot the feeling of flying a much larger model.Early every year jet modellers and spectators meet up in sunny Florida for the “Florida Jets” meeting. ErichBäcker was one of those who found he could tear himself away from icy Germany to travel to the warmth ofFlorida; here he reports back on a meeting which has a very special atmosphere.16The next issue of JetPoweris published on5 August 2015JETPOWER 3/20155 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
